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(Deprecated) ICC Video (2018-19)

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“Our Children’s Trust: Youth Activism & the Legal Right to a Stable Climate”

Isaac Augspurg (age 13) and Oscar Psychas (age 20) are two of eight youth plaintiffs suing the state of Florida to protect current and future generations from the intensifying impacts of climate change. (You may need to increase the volume to hear all of the speakers clearly.)

“Our Children’s Trust: Youth Activism & the Legal Right to a Stable Climate” (February 6, 2019)

“Things are changing so rapidly… Earth has been warmer before, but the point is that we are changing it so quickly and out of the zone in which it’s comfortable for us to live as humans … this is the really important part.” – Andrea Dutton


Simon Richter, “Polder-Geist: Dutch Responses to Rising Sea Levels and Sinking Cities in the Netherlands, the United States and Asia”

In this workshop, Professor Richter and UF faculty will explore the intercultural aspects of the Dutch international water ambition by way of several case studies.

“Polder-Geist: Dutch Responses to Rising Sea Levels and Sinking Cities in the Netherlands, the United States and Asia” (November 14, 2018) 

“If you do live in a coastal region, it would make sense to consult the Dutch. They certainly have a lot to say and a lot of interesting ideas, and it would be rather foolish not to consult them.” – Simon Richter

Simon Richter, “Getting Creative: Translation and Etymology as Cultural Narratives of Sustainability and Resilience”

Dr. Richter presents several case studies that show how the translation of two terms, sustainability and resilience, can reveal the distinctive cultural and intercultural stakes of communities as they respond to climate change.

“Getting Creative: Translation and Etymology as Cultural Narratives of Sustainability and Resilience” (November 13, 2018)

“Social and climate justice advocates … argue that an emphasis on resilience allows neoliberal elites to duck responsibility for having created the environmental and social conditions that put vulnerable populations at risk and for now failing to transform those conditions through mitigation, which would, after all, entail radical economic transformation.” – Simon Richter