From its founding, Imagining Climate Change has valued the importance of collective action and open dialogue. Our events and initiatives have benefited from the participation and support of many different university– and community-based programs and individuals.
The generous financial support of individual donors has been especially prized, as it is essential to securing public engagement outside the university. Individual gifts may be made on a one-time or recurring basis and all gifts are tax-deductible. All funds contributed to ICC go to the support of our UF campus events and community outreach and education initiatives. No gift is too small.
- Imagining Climate Change (ICC) General Fund
The ICC General Fund supports short-term initiatives and one-time events such as colloquia, lectures, performances, readings, and film screenings. Click on the link above or follow the QR Code at right to give to the General Fund.
- Imagining Climate Change (ICC) Endowment Fund
The ICC Endowment Fund supports long-term and recurring initiatives, such as grants for curricular development and student travel funding for research in the environmental humanities. Click on the link above to give to the Endowment Fund.
You may give to either ICC fund by personal check at this address:
University of Florida Foundation
PO Box 14425
Gainesville, Florida 32614-2425
Please indicate in a cover letter or in the memo line of your check that you wish to support the ICC General Fund (# 023925) or the ICC Endowment (# 027579).
If you would like to contribute funds in support of a particular endeavor that is in keeping with our mandate to “imagine our collective climate futures,” please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address below. I look forward to our conversation.
Terry Harpold
Director, Imagining Climate Change