Terry Harpold, University of Florida
September 12, 2019
Turlington Hall 3018
3–3:50 PM
About the Event
Since 2015, UF’s Imagining Climate Change initiative has sponsored or co-sponsored nearly two dozen colloquia, invited lectures, performances, readings, and film screenings on the UF campus and in the wider Gainesville community, featuring internationally-renowned activists, creators, researchers, and scholars representing the full range of inventive responses to planetary environmental crisis. In collaboration with departments and programs from across the institution and with local community groups and activists, the initiative has fostered interdisciplinary dialogue and reached audiences within and beyond the university who are in search of meaningful stories to tell and things to do in the face of possible climate calamity. This talk will review some key successes (and some missteps) of ICC since its founding, and will forecast a few of the directions the initiative may take in coming years.
Terry Harpold is Associate Professor of English, University of Florida Term Professor (2017–20), and the founder and Director of ICC.
“Fostering Dialogue and Lessons Learned” is co-sponsored by the UF Department of Geography and Imagining Climate Change. This event is free and open to the public. No advance registration is required.