Todd LeVasseur
Sadie Hundemer
April 14, 2025
Smathers Library 100
4 PM
Join us for a lively, probing discussion of the roles of climate science and ethical reflection in contemporary public life, with Todd LeVasseur and Sadie Hundermer, hosted by UF’s Ethics in the Public Sphere project. The discussion will be followed by a reception.
This event is free and open to the public.
About the Speakers
Todd LeVasseur is a Senior Instructor at the College of Charleston. His research and teaching operates at the inter– and transdisciplinary intersections of the environmental humanities, with a focus on religion and nature, environmental ethics, environmental history, critical theory, posthumanism, sustainability science and education, energy humanities/climate change, material feminism, queer ecologies, sustainable agriculture, and ecological animisms. His work examines the interface of cultural narratives and identities, with a specific focus on those in the domain we label religion, and how these both shape and are shaped by the natural, “more-than-human” world within globalized political ecologies and the onset of climate triage.
Sadie Hundemer is an Assistant Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resource Communication in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) at the University of Florida. Her research draws from the fields of psychology, sociology, behavioral economics, political science, and communication science to understand and respond to the human dimensions of agricultural and natural resources challenges, including stakeholder conflict and political polarization. This breadth of influences is also exhibited in her teaching on communication theory and partisanship in agricultural and natural resources. Her research agenda includes exploration of how scientific information is heard, learned, and used in a partisan environment; moral foundation and worldview framing effects; communication for environmental justice; and communication of wicked agricultural and natural resources problems.
“Climate Science & Ethics in the Public Sphere” is sponsored by the George A. Smathers Libraries, Imagining Climate Change, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, and the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Communications/IFAS.