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Trees! Fall 2021

Friday, November 26 – LaCrosse

In celebration of Green Friday, we planted ten Indian hawthorns (Rhaphiolepis indica, aka Majestic Beauty) near the LaCrosse City Hall, 20613 N. State Road 121.


Saturday, October 9 – High Springs

We planted thirty-tree trees  – live oaks (Quercus geminata) and pond cypresses (Taxodium ascendens) – at the High Springs Downtown Pavilion. Human participants included members of the City of High Springs government and the High Springs Community Redevelopment Association, and UF student organizations Student Animal Alliance and Unlitter.


Saturday, September 25 – High Springs

We planted seventeen trees – live oaks (Quercus geminata), pond cypresses (Taxodium ascendens), and winged elms (Ulmus alata) – near the High Springs Post Office (23687 NW 188 Avenue) and along a nearby bike path on County Road 340.


Photographs by A. Ewert-Harpold, T. Harpold, C. Houder, D. Jordan, and S. Xie.  / CC BY